Thinking starts when thought provoking questions are raised

Academic style debates about the ethical and moral aspects of technology evolution and its impact on business and society.

During the events our Infosophers raise thought provoking questions not just pointing on the pain points but digging deep inside the minds of the participants in order to initiate their thinking.

The Concept

The discussion always starts with a closed question raised towards the two main guests. The first guest starts with the Yes, which is reflected by the arguments around the No. The twist? In all cases both presenters actually have powerful arguments for the other side of the coin. By moving them out of their comfort zone we can raise the flow to the maximum from the very first moment of the event. And we do not stop here. After setting the field of the dilemma, audience is also engaged by the infosophers who facilitate the discussion by involving every person in the room who would like to take part in the debate…

Some of our dilemmas

Should we cut off our arms in order to replace them with bionics ones?
If we create a digital copy of ourselves will it still be us?
Will we be more by using AI in our everyday life?
Should we enhance our minds by installing cognitive enablers?
Shall we adapt the social credit system?
Can a digital copy of a parent raise a child?
Do we need to define new governance systems in the digital age?
In case human brain can be uploaded to servers, would it support equality between classes of society?


Having found themselves in the middle of the information age, infosophers are looking for knowledge by asking basic questions about human nature, technology, truth and our society in general.

Our Team

Achilles Georgiu
Founder, Infosopher


Chrys Margaritidis


Norbert Sepp

How it was started...

“When was the last time you had a good debate?”

In the fall of 2018 I had the opportunity to participate in one of the biggest conferences in Hungary with more than 2500 participants and almost 200 presentations and panel discussions. During the dinner I joined a table with 8 unknown people. After a short discussion we realized that each of us was coming from a totally different field. A sociologist, a philosopher, a futurologist, a business expert, a producer, two YouTubers, and myself. We all had the same feeling: There are many nice TED-like presentations, and panel discussions, but we all missed the engagement of our minds. None of us could remember the last time when he or she had a constructive, inspirational debate about anything. This was the moment when we agreed that there is a need for a platform where interesting topics can be discussed with other people, this was the moment when i-Dialogs was born… (Achilles)

Achilles Georgiu

“Thinking starts when thought provoking questions are raised”

Achilles is a Thought Provoking InfoSopher and Professional MazeRunner. He had thought about becoming a chef, but then he found himself in the middle of the information age and started seeking for knowledge by asking basic questions about the ethical and moral aspects of technology evolution and its impact on business and the society in general. He is an inspirational speaker, who has been awarded twice as the best teacher by two universities. His personal goal is to burn pictures into people’s minds via metaphors and visual stories in order to transform them to future e-Leaders, who understand technology evolution and the adaptation to everyday business environment.

In his spare time, if he has any, he still enjoys cooking. …

Chrys Margaritidis

“Looking for knowledge in the age of information”

To reach a better understanding of what is happening around us in an era that is characterized by the abundance of information/misinformation and rapid technological growth, we need to ask questions, provoke responses, and discuss them in an environment that challenges our commonly held beliefs and assumptions.

Chrys is a seasoned professional with more than 18 years of experience in higher education administration, also a teacher and researcher. An educational and professional leader who leads by example and seeks to create inclusive and goal-oriented teams while not afraid to think outside the box. A confident presenter and teacher, able to impart complex information to audiences of all levels.
Chrys received his BA in Economics from Bard College, US and his MA in International Finance from Brandeis University, US. He joined Central European University in Budapest, Hungary in 2001 and has served CEU in various roles, most recently as the Dean of Students. He also holds an MA in Philosophy from Open University, UK, and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Reading, UK. Chrys has taught Applied Ethics and Ethics of Big Data in the Philosophy and Economics/Business departments at CEU and is working on a course on Civic Engagement for CEU’s School of Public Policy.
His research interests lie in the areas of ethics, theory of knowledge and higher education, currently working on the issue of trust online and academic freedom. In addition, he is interested in moral intuitions, moral understanding, and moral expertise.